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Allegrini - ARC+ 2018 Day 2 Mindelo to St Lucia Leg
Allegrini - ARC+ 2018 Day 2 Mindelo to St Lucia Leg
Well the start of the Mindelo to St Lucia Leg started without any hitch.
Well as long as you don't count the lack of wind as a hitch. This has
continued until now where we have now about 5-6 knots, although forecasts
for tonight and tomorrow show it building.
We weren't long out of Mindelo when we caught our first Tuna, a handsome
little devil which has provided us with dinner on the bar-b-que last night
and it will be enough for a nice stir fry tonight. We also had a visit at
twilight from a lovely little pod of atlantic dolphins who played and
frolicked with us for about an hour, coincidence they came when we caught
the tuna, good omen?
The noticeable difference in temperature just a few miles out is great,
although the trip down has been warm, you notice that you are definitely in
the tropics now, not as we've heard like the UK now down in single digits,
We've got some company with two other yachts, in fact two catamarans, La
Boheme and Starship Friendship - nice to see friendly lights out there for
our first night in this vast ocean - which is at the moment 5,000 meters
deep. Without Google we are unable to remember which mountain is the same
height - answers on a postcard please.
Next on the bucket list is to sight some whales - they have been elusive so
far except for the fake killer whales who are really dolphins - these really
exist look them up! Wish us luck
Don't forget to check out the YB tracker to see how we are doing and where
we are...