Here we found wind to sail our Colin Archer for speed some over 6knots with only mezzanine and reefed foresail. High waves keep the boat in move so that we cannot keep the mainsail on. We have had some squalls but with these sails it is not a problem but so much fun to gain the speed of 9.5knots surfing down the wave!
When leaving Mindelo, which we did a few hours after the official start, we gave some drops of a good whisky to the sea or 'Ahti', as we call the Neptunus in Finland. Soon we were accompanied by a school of playful porpoises and bottle-nose dolphins. Later that night we had a bright full moon, I was on the deck taking care of our youngest child, he got fewer and stomach problems (everything well now), and for a long time we admired dolphins playing in pairs around our boat, moonlight glittering on their waterlines. A good start for the second leg!
Wish we would have more time in Mindelo. We arrived there late on Sunday 18th, made some engine preparing and after five hours sleep went to the whole day tour to beautiful and green island Santo Antao opposite of Mindelo. A very informative guidance and breathtaking views we had there. In the evening we went to the ARC party, Ed the Iguana was with our boys there too enjoying dance shows.
Ed the Iguana with all his experience of 15 Atlantic crossings has been a good crew mate, doesn't get nervous, keeps cool in every situations faced on board. So are our boys too, reading comics or books and counting days on sea.
Tuesday we did lots the preparations for the leg 2, including engine service, under a very hot sun of Mindelo. I must say here, that I've learn long distance sailors are gentle and nice in every harbour, but this ARC+ fleet with family boats has so many so kind people that I never have experienced. We have got mechanical and electrical help from other boats, made many new friends, parents of another boats have helped us by taking our boys with them to excursions, and we have got grandparents to loan too, one takes our boys to a pizza another to an ice cream bar. And via children we have had the opportunity to meet marvellous family sailors, like another night at a kids' birthday parties on an Italian boat, so nice people all around.
And then, Wednesday morning, smiling faces, wishes of fair winds, excitement and happiness of crossing in the air, hugging and kissing, high fives and there it is, second and the longest leg of Atlantic crossing, hiio-hoi!
See you on the other side! Vi ses på andra sidan! Nähhään toisel puolel!
Satu, s/y Lunni Finland