Adorsa - Adorsa news 26/11/18
Adorsa's chronicles, Day 2
All is good on the mule. Fresh but beautiful first night sailing S-SE under
the moon. Maybe the excitement of being surrounded by sea water made
Junien's hand heavy on the salt for his first bread this morning. Though we
did appreciate the effort! Keep on the good work Junien: we still have
around 20 days for you to train. After this delicious breakfast and
avoiding the high pressure zone we jibed to S-SW. Jo's killer's instinct at
the helm is making us fly (ok maybe just surf...). If only we could convert
Serge's snoring into electricity we would definitely be able to take a hot
shower tomorrow.
In the first 24h we covered 144nm at an average of 6 knots. The wind has
been blowing N-NE/NE at 4 beauforts.
Menus day 1: Tuna wraps and gratinated endives with ham for dinner. Thanks
Bernard for your amazing coocking abilities!