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Gauntlet of Tamar - Gauntlet - Day 3 - Still in the Atlantic

Still here, so that's good.

Couple of the crew got spooked by an imaginary boat so we threw in a gybe. We had been hoping to get to St Lucia on two tacks so the surreptitious decision-making by these crew members at 7am this morning while others were fast asleep threw that idea totally out of the window. It's ok though because they didn't throw most of the forks overboard a day earlier. That was someone else. 2,500 miles to go with just spoon. I wish that man luck!

It seems that most of the fleet have gybed early and headed west but we think we are heading firmly in the direction of 'Tibbs's Turning Point' before doing so (an imaginary waypoint named after the legend of all things weather, Chris Tibbs, who gave a few pointers in the Skippers Briefing before we all set off). If we find out other skippers have disregarded this information in favour of their own we plan to formally protest the entire fleet on arrival in St Lucia, unless we find a bar on the way to the Race which case we might forget.

Ciao for now.

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