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Murphys Law - Day 4 - Meat feast and sacrifice to Poseidon

We have just started to come to the realization that the Atlantic is quite big. The blue dot on google maps doesnt seem to be moving at all. Also you are much exposed to the cycle of day and night when you are out on the ocean in a small boat. It is much more obvious that the day is only 10 hours, while the night is 14. In itself this is an argument for holding a southerly course, and then head west.

Todays main event was to start eating our 12 kg ham from Las Palmas. The ships doctor Eivind, also took the role as butcher, as the captain and other crew member, Halvor, already have had minor knife-related incidents.

Today we also launched the ML18NAQL) (Murphys Law`s 2018 North Atlantic Quiz League), that will include daily topics the next weeks. Halvor was strong today and came out with a 5-2-1 lead.

Murphys Law`s winchmeister, Halvor, have set out to repair all the winches while at sea. He has always been a brave fella. Eivinds coffee cup were unvolunterialy sacrificed to Poseidon, so we hope for fair winds.


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