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In Tune - IN TUNE 1st December. Grey skies, grey seas
In Tune - IN TUNE 1st December. Grey skies, grey seas
We have completely lost sight now of the other boats in the fleet. Though the wind and sea as usual eased off a little last night it is back to 18 knots wind & 3 metre seas today. We are hoping for it easing a little tomorrow. We changed course this morning back to gull winging again, heading a little further south.
The excitement for today was Steve landing our biggest dorado so far; guess what's for dinner tonight. Geraldine is threatening to throw out meals if we catch more fish. Martin trails Geraldine 1:5 in the yahtzee tournament. Steve & Martin amuse themselves when it's not cloudy for about 2 hours by using the sextent and calculating our lat & long on the iPhone that would have given the lat & long in two seconds. Tempr is a degree or two higher, but being cloudy & windy, it's still cool.