Danica I - Danica I Blog December 1, 2018
Day 7- Saturday, December 1, 2018
¢ Night Watch Report:
o 17-21 knots /7knots/overcast/ 03:00- one vessel on port-no AIS heading NE
¢ Day sailing and Danica's Trip's distance
o 11:30 raised Main to two reefs (M-2)
o Sailing M-2 and Genoa (G), averaging between 7-8 knots
o 12:00 - noon -954 NM
¢ Highs and Lows of the day
o Mahi-Mahi on the menu twice- lunch and dinner
o Always looking forward to daily radio waves over water waves get-together
o Danica's position is good - upper ¼ of our division
o Code 0 still in the bag - waiting for calmer seas to fiddle with the large sail
o 19:00 crossed the 1000 NM mark - yeah hooo (hi)