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Gauntlet of Tamar - Gauntlet - On the first day of Chrirstmas...

.. The Atlantic gave to me, a beautiful Mahi, Mahi!

So yes, today after 5 days of trying and numerous (fishing) rig changes we managed to land a gorgeous female Mahi Mahi. She was promptly filleted and cooked up for a delicious luncheon for Gauntlet's hungry crew. We're hoping advent has brought the bounty of this beautiful ocean and we may have some more fish dishes on the horizon.

It wasn't all sport however - we have spent some time (inverted upside down in the lazarette) double checking the bolts that attach our committed and essential sixth crew member - our hydrovane. For this we owe great thanks to our SSB radio friends 'Rum Truffle' who had what sounded like a harrowing night after one of their bolts sheared off and they promptly warned us all the next day. Having found a few loosened bolts we are now showing extra vigilance but will owe them at least a few beverines when we reach St Lucia.

Other highlights of the day include a slap up fajita dinner, with swell - propelled refried beans, award winning guacamole and no small measure of Chef Berney's hot sauce keeping the crew's endorphine levels switched up to 11.

Tomorrow we celebrate our 7 day anniversary at sea with a special fancy dress party. Party organizer (First Mate Thomas) is insisting upon a dress code whereby each crew member must come decorated only with an assortment of recyclable items from our accumulated rubbish, to keep their decency. He's busy in his cabin doing incredible things with tin cans as I type this. Whether we all commit to the theme is yet to be seen.

Will report back tomorrow.

Gauntlet out.
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