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Bimble - log day 10 'Why 'Bimble' and half way party'

‘How ‘Bimble’ got her name, todays days sailing  and our half way party’

After taking ownership of our ‘Catana 42’  Rod and I journeyed down the Eastern Atlantic, into the Med and out again to come to the Canaries and we are now ploughing our furrow westward. During that time people have said ‘What is this Bimble'? or ‘Who is Bimble’?…..Those Brits amongst us must surely know but there is a bit of a story to why this particular boat is called ‘Bimble’

‘Bimble’ means to journey or stroll slowly with no particular purpose or aim, and the side effect can be that nice and unexpected things happen along the way….to add to ones the experience of bimbling you can adopt a swagger and do so with slight attitude. So for example if you are having a quiet day doing stuff at home you may ‘bimble about’ or you make go out for a walk and 'bimble along’ then chat to your neighbours, gaze at a lovely view, admire a beautiful building.

So I was struck by this and wanted to name our boat bimble…..Some background, during my life most especially having come through a 60’s and 70’s British education system I have felt compelled, pushed, cajoled to be better, faster, get higher grades, be prettier, thinner, win at sports, join in sport even which I hated and also compared/judged with those who thrived doing those things and in those environments…oh goodness a whole heap of nonsense for me, I did not thrive, in fact I felt diminished….Fiercely I have left all that shizzzle behind long ago, I have had an astonishing life without being competitive, we brought up a great family and I certainly do not want to feel pushed back to horrid feelings associated with having to strive to be the top or get across a fictitious line first….I  strongly feel this especially as I approached my 60th year…..This time of life is about Being, enjoying the fruits, hanging out with people I care deeply about and doing my own stuff that fills my heart. Also doing whatever is I am doing but doing it to the best of my own abilities and for me….Rod agrees, So maybe your are getting the picture?……

So really this ARC is the start of the next chapter in our adventure. We have 3 beautiful, soulful crew who have willingly joined us in this part of the adventure.…Good, unexpected things are happening daily which is brilliant, things that bring out the very best in everyone. This has been a lot of fun and I would totally recommend doing an ARC crossing whatever your personal reason for wanting to cross. Be it 'bucket list’, racing or bimbling. The ARC experience is brilliant from beginning and hopefully right to the end…We are all looking forward to cracking that seal on the rum bottle, celebrating our arrival in Rodney Bay, sharing with all our lovely new ARC friends….. We may be bimbling but we ARE coming in for that Rum punch, keep it chilled!?!?.

Rod and I traded in our old cruising boat for the comfort, space, modern tech of a cat. As an artist and a highly visual person aesthetics played an important part in my/our decision and choice as to the design we picked for our Cat ……. Rod wanted something that sailed well, pointed to windward (note we have daggerboards) We both agreed we wanted to have control of her from the cockpit given our sailing is mostly just the two of us, night watches can be long and tiring, we didn’t want to have to go forward in a big sea to do battle with a spinnaker or ‘Parasailors'

So not racing but bimbling….and I have fiercely protected that notion at the ARC parties etc when anyone makes assumptions to our motives for our ARC. I have to keep going back to source and say ’NO'. Rod and I want our boat in the Caribbean so we can play in the winter with our family and friends in comfort. 

As I sit at the nav station watching the sun come up on our 10th morning, all around is endless Ocean…it is beautiful but It is not peaceful on board the boat because bimble has let out her girdle, is breathing and easing her girth, She is 'letting go' to the rock and roll of the big swell and sea. She has become more creaky but that is her song she sings us. In her bimbling along she has adopted the swagger that is required to live up to her name.

Todays story and sailing….the fishing line went out first light and by 9.30 we landed a beautiful Mahi Mahi. I filleted it reserving half for a meal tomorrow. Freyja turned the rest into the most gorgeous Ceviche to accompany our lunch menu of the day. Lucy shared a poem which I will publish tomorrow, it made me cry it was so lovely.

Our speed had been disappointing overnight but finally after much discussion we practised a bit of VMG to no real avail although it felt calmer as on the point of sail we have right now with cross swell it is very bouncy. The wind finally came up to16 knots plus around lunchtime. That speed and above is the best to get the young gal storming across the ocean, anything below is when the idea of a ‘Parasailor’ become tempting….she is presently doing 7-8 knots, heading 266 degrees….St Lucia on the nose

So HALF WAY….HURRAH!?!?!?!?!…...
We crossed the imaginary line of half way 40 miles back…..Today we celebrated by dressing up and having another splendid lunch accompanied by a cheeky bottle of French Rose wine, all went down very nicely.To finish we had Ferro Roche and dark’ Lindor’ chocolate…so comforting.

Freyja is presently on watch, Lucy sleeping in the saloon, Stephen on the bow, Rod down below….all is well

The generator is kaput, ‘Fischer Panda’ have efficiently hooked us up with info for an agent to help sort it once we make landfall.

As I finally finish this the day is coming to a close, the sun sinking on the horizon and the 10th nears its close….lets hope for fair winds to blow us well through the night.

Love as always to all, Nina and ‘Bimble’ 


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