Preamble to incident.
Woke up to find the dawn rising on the far horizon with
sunbeams reaching out to the sea below. It was going to be a good
After our usual clean up mission of washing the decks
down of tea/scales/biscuit crumbs it was time to tackle the Fridge. An odour had
been fermenting and was reaching pitch beyond human endurance so we set to
with warm soapy water and a smidge of something stronger to get it back into the
clean area that it should be.
Once this had been tackled i set to with breakfast which
comprised of porridge toped with granola and honey and then we had pancakes with
fresh lemon juice/sugar/ pineapple. All this with the mighty Incisor tramping
along heading straight for St Lucia- See I told you it was going to be a good
After a bit of yachting around in the sunshine and
copious amounts of tea our thoughts then turned to lunch. Jazz, Ashley and I
produced a smorgasbord (No idea how to spell this and this lap top does not have
spell checker) of nibbles with various crackers from Ritz to cracked pepper
biscuits all topped with salami cheese chorizo olives fresh avocado pickled
carrots and onions all laid out on a large box lid.
As the previous day had had the halfway point celebrated
I knew that the big milestone of breaking through the 1000 mile barrier was
approaching I would treat myself to a mid way shower. Robert had been
making water and I sneaked a litre bottle of fresh made stuff and also a half
kettle of warm water and retired to the bathroom, where before starting on me I
washed down he room so it was clean of all unidentified hair I will not at this
point describe the hair but needless to say the bathroom was actually soon ready
for me. I propped the bucket in the sink - why you ask? well as the IWCC
EHO put it the sink has been rendered unusable as the plug hole goes
straight to the bilge and filled it with a combo of hot an fresh water.
stripped off and began the task at hand including washing and conditioning my
matted hair. It was bloomin lovely, after drying off and before getting too hot
i dressed in a baggy tee-shirt and some sacrificial £2.99 jogging bottoms from
Sports direct, The ones that are all cozy until you wash them. And so feeling
all shiny and new Isuggly and wuggly. I went on deck to put the finishing
touch to my makeover and that was brushing my hair. Soon dry and soft and full
of loveliness, Chris and I set to preparing the tea of Chicken in white wine
sauce, smash and sautéed onions garlic and cabbage, perhaps not your first
choice but it all went down very well with the crew. A half hour power nap later
we were up once more on watch to a starry lit evening. Still feeling all snuggly
wuggly after my shower and hair wash I laid back on the deck and gazed up at the
night feeling very content with the day and only 17 miles to beak that
1000 mile barrier could we do it on our watch? I calculated that indeed it could
just be done if we worked with a will. so still laid back on the deck, Derek
came to sit by me after handing over the helm to Daniel, talk turned to the
finish in Rodney bay and what would be the optimum time of day to arrive all
agreed at 10.30am as this seemed the most civilized and so then basking in
companionable silence a wave from nowhere hit the starboard side reared up held
in mid air and broke over me - Snuggly Wuggly was gone!
San x