Increased wind and squalls caused us to drop the Parasailor last evening so we played safe again and just ran under the genoa. With slightly less seas and rain it was a slighly better night than the one before.
This morning saw us raise the Parasailor again and we have been running with it all day. Mid morning saw Steve have another strike on the rod; he faught it for close to an hour before, once again it escaped. Each day at noon GMT we have a radio sched with a group of other boats in the fleet, though as everyone continues to spread the reception is getting worse. Martin has assumed the role of games officer. Last night he taught us "A name game". This afternoon has been chess (Martin & Steve) with Steve leading, and "Nomination whist" with Philip & Geraldine. Today Philip & Martin took the noon sighting with the sextant and were only two minutes (2 Nm) out; we won't get lost! Angela is still working on her tan - her & Steve are trying to catch Geraldine's tan. The days pass very easily. Dinner tonight is pineapple chicken.
The above is what I (Philip) had written; however the others will not let me send this without telling you the WHOLE fishing story. Actually, after Steve being ever so careful for 45 mins bringing it to the boat without losing it, when we finally spotted it, it was a clump of weed!