Steve and Tash did a fantastic job provisioning our boat. Steve has taken on the heavy lifting in the galley and we have eaten very well. Crew dinners around the salon table are a high point of each day. But after 13 days at sea we are getting near the end of our fresh vegetables. So last night Steve had to dig deep into the larder and came up with...a cabbage...and he made some fish stew. We are a polite crew so no one complained as we ate in rare silence.
Incredibly just as dinner was ending a small dog went swimming by. I quickly grabbed the boat hook and hoisted him on board. He was quite tired and appreciated the warm towel and the spot I gave him on a cockpit cushion. I expected him to be starving so I offered him a bowl of Steve’s fish stew. He smelled it, gave me a funny look, then jumped back into the ocean and swam away.
Tonight Steve did a fantastic job with pasta and meatballs!