Gitana - What's in a name?
Offering from our resident labrador turned wannabe sitcom creator, thank
you Dave!!
What's in a name?
For thousands of years, boats have been given girls names, nobody is
totally clear why humans adopted a female persona for such an inanimate
object, although there many rude bar jokes largely around cost and always
heading towards the buoys when in port.
Aboard the good ship Gitana, it made us ponder, what female
characteristics does this fine vessel possess? after all we have had
enough time to court her now. Physically speaking she is no spring
chicken, as she is in her fourth decade, but she has had a lot of 'work
done' to give her some youthful looks, certainly not mutton dressed as
lamb more, dressing appropriately for her age.
Mike the on boat bounder and CAD wanted to point out her tiny bottom, wide
hips and short mast giving her a rather stubby appearance. Skipper has
worked hard over the past two years and now she wears a smart new dress
and is clad in super suit of new rags, not so much London fashion week but
certainly nothing out of Littlewoods.
However, skipper is also at pains to point out that beauty is more than
skin deep, so we pondered 'Tana's' more emotional side, again the CAD was
keen to point out she likes it rough! but she does have a more nurturing
side, keen to look after all that sail in her. Certainly she has
resilience as a character trait, relentlessly bashing away mile after mile
without complaint. Des our more mature member of the team, was keen to
point out the groans and creeks that accompany life at sea, perhaps
indicating the years haven't been as kind as first appear although there
was general consensus it was simply Des trying to blame poor Tana, for the
noises that accompany Des getting out of bed for a night watch.
We concluded that 'Tana' means something different to each of us, but she
has certainly proved a fine home for the last two weeks or so, although
perhaps akin to the morning after a great night waking up in a strangers
bed, the sooner we can cross the finishing line and have a well earned
break time will tell if absence makes the heart grow fonder.
SY Gitana
SY Gitana