Wow Finally!
After so much preparation, excitement, anxiety, nervousness and tons of other feelings, here we are at the starting line. It is beautiful! We didn’t know what to expect and this is amazing! Not being racers, we opt for a slow start at the back of the pack. All is well and it is magical to see the fleet in front of us all headed for the Castries marker. Fantastic day, mild to moderate winds in Rodney Bay, St-Lucia, to help us to this fantastic adventure.
As we round the first and only buoy, the whole fleet is still fairly together and as we veer off to a 700 mile direct downwind leg, it happens! We were not quite thorough in out pre-departure inspection. The claw of the spinnaker pole is jammed inside the sleeve... we try for a while but it won’t bulge. M-J even goes 20 feet up the mast but nothing will do. So it is and it will be a slower ride to Santa Marta. Hey Colombia, here we come....