Sweet Dream - Day 1 January 13, 2019
On both watches, the night was spectacular. The first started out with a glowing arc of Milky Way over the mast. Up ahead, a fat Cheshire Cat grin of a moon slid over the western horizon, and in the east behind us, a fleet of squall galleons sallied out onto the velvet darkness of the sky sea with the occasional star sparkling like phosphorescence under their keels. These ships of the night sky brought their own wind with them, enough to fill our sails and tuck in a reef as well. The second watch saw Venus rising like a search beam, making a startling bright path of light for us to sail on. Jupiter rose next with Antares and the whole of Scorpio in attendance. To the south, was the brilliance of our sister star, Alpha Centari. I’m amused to learn she is actually the sky’s third brightest star, and at the same time, a triple star system! Crux was standing straight up at attention, saluting due south, and in the west the Gemini twins nodded good night and climbed into bed while the little bear in the north twinkled back at them, “sleep tight.” Then it began to be daylight. More tropical squall clouds reared their rosy faces across the eastern horizon. Old Sol reached out with rays of warmth, and our first night’s World ARC passage was behind us as we are living the Sweet Dream.