Sweet Dream - Day 3 January 15, 2019
We were flying wing on wing with the glow of Aruba to our port stern. The wind was getting up, so we tucked a little 3/4 reef in each sail. For the next two and a half hours we rode the ever increasing seas that came hissing and booming into the starboard quarter. Squall after squall flew over, even with the reefs in we were making over ten knots of boat speed riding the friendly current and big surf . Looking behind, there would be a huge blackness stretching up embracing the stern like one of those poofy, supportive, read-in-bed pillows. By the time I turned around and faced forward, adjusting the course for the strengthening wind, the darkness would have raced ahead of us. This cycle was repeated over and over, making this the fastest and most fun watch I have stood living the Sweet Dream