Timshel - Cape Town to St Helena Day 13
After another rendezvous with Airpower and Pinta for fuel transfer, we were able to set course for St Helena again. We were sailing nicely on course in lovely sunshine during the evening, but disaster has struck our mainsail furling gear - AGAIN - the bottom fitting on the foil has sheared. Don't think any nasty weather is forecast for the next few days, so we can sail with what we have - as Ullman made the new sail too short in the foot it is about equivalent to a single reefed main, we can vary the amount of yankee set, and just take the main down when we get to St Helena. Not sure if anyone there will be able to fix it (and then there's the problem of parts) so we may be setting a dual headsail rig to get to Brazil - which we always meant to try. 293 nm to St Helena and now back in west longitude having crossed the Greenwich meridian yesterday.