Another fine day of lovely downwind wing on wing sailing. All day we had little squalls pass over and around us. Fortunately, these squalls bring very little rain, no thunder and lightning, and the wind that preceded them never went over 26 knots. Altogether, this makes for great passage making. Captain is reading the first book of the immigrant stories by Vilhelm Moberg. We met a man in Sweden last summer who grew up with Vilhelm’s son. What a small world! I finished Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind, and we love to share bits about our novels with each other. The highlight of the day was getting some big fish on our reel that literally had the reel smoking and too hot to touch with the friction it caused pulling out almost all our line. I reefed the sails while Captain fought the fish, and before we could get a glimpse of it, after 35 minutes of war, the hook came loose. We now stand at Fish on:3 fish off:3, for this journey from Bora Bora to Fiji, not such a great record. I suspect it is because the boat is going so fast. We are catching big fish that the hook tears out of. It’s ok though, truly we don’t want to land a big fish. It would be nice just to get a photo though. We agree that fishing is a great work out on our Sweet Dream, for Lars as he reels and Laura as she reefs the sails.