In the wee hours of the morning, the wind woke up. Unfortunately, it was coming straight on our nose. As we approached the narrow channel between Melville island, and the mainland, ships began to show up. We were also dealing with four knots of current (it being new moon, spring tide), so here we were trying to slow down for a 06:00 landing at Darwin, and even with 16 knots of noserly wind, we were coasting along at over 7 knots. In the end, it all worked out, we arrived at the Cullen Marina Fuel dock at 06:20, just at first light. We gave our thirsty girl a big long drink of diesel, then walked her to the back of the dock to await the Biosecurity folks. We had an appointment for 07:00, they arrived at 09:00. It was all very easy, and straightforward. Due to our having a. A copper coat anti-fouling, b. We had hired the bum scrubbed in Mackay, and c. We have minimal salt water systems. The very best part is they don’t mess with the watermaker system at all!! During the Biosecurity inspection and treatment, Manuel and Nick arrived. We miss our dear Andrew and SWade, and look forward to seeing Stefano again, but we really enjoy Nick and Manuel. After all the treatment for the salt water systems was done( another happy surprise is that they don’t treat the fresh water systems!) and greetings with our “yellow shirts” were complete, we washed the salt off the boat and then walked into town. First stop...Trudy’s Pie face shop...yum! And Trudy graciously steered us to a shop where the phone could be topped up. We came back to the boat, and at 18:00 Drew ( the wonderful guy doing the treatments for Biosecurity), released us from quarantine, so we loosed the lines and made a mad dash for the lock at Tipperary Waters Marina. We arrived at 18:47, went through the Darling “cottage lock”, and were happily tied up on the dock with Dani, the Lock Mistress, and her son, Cooper giving us a warm welcome.