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Sweet Dream - Tuesday October 15, 2019

A very strange weather day. All morning we were socked in on three sides by long low banks of ominous dark grey clouds. At 15:00, a squall line hit us, the wind backed 60 degrees and went up into the twenties. We put a reef in each sail, rolled down our plastic and grinned and tried to bear it. Captain went below while I steered. After just under two hours he came bounding into the cockpit whooping with joy, ”turn on the autopilot!” I happily complied and we watched in glee as it engaged and began to steer perfectly. Wow! Good ol Pi! Dead for four days, then he rose again! Captain, in his bulldog tenacity for fixing things decided to try looking the motor over one last time and just as he’d given up, and was putting it back together, found a wire that had come loose! Wow! Hats off to the mighty mechanical Wizard Captain! I’m sitting here in the dry cockpit writing this post with just the Genoa pulling on the pole and rain pouring down outside as dear cherished Pi drives the boat! Life is grand! Look ma! No hands!


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