Day four brought more of the same for the Jua Kali crew, reaching a bit north of west with our bright orange A5 up until a squall in the night forced us to take it down and continue under main and jib.
Putting some north in at this point seemed odd but has hopefully enabled us to avoid the worst of several large wind holes further south, although at the time of writing we don't have too much wind ourselves! Still, we are moving which is more than some boats further south will be we think.
A crisis was narrowly avoided when it was discovered that our entire supply of toilet paper had been slowly dripped on by a small leak in a pipe fitting, luckily it was caught before the rolls were completely destroyed and they were promptly hung out to dry in the sun (pictured). God only knows how this trip would have turned out with no toilet paper left and two weeks to go...
In brighter news, the solar panel is working great meaning les
running of the engine to charge and more conversations about the green energy market in Poland which, to be honest, this reporter did struggle to follow.
All fish seem to have avoided us again, hopefully we catch more soon otherwise the extra weight of all this soy sauce and limes will be slowing us down for nothing!
Quote from the crew: "It looks like someone is getting ready for a big big sh*t!" (in reference to the toilet paper drying)
As always, this has been Alex Fisher with The Jua Kali Report.