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Next Step - Saturday 30th November 2019

With the very smooth seas during the night we could see bursts of light under the water around the boat, we have assumed that this was probably squid evading a predator, but I am not too certain. Today we woke up to a lovely sun rise and clear sky but unfortunately the wind remains elusive. I had forgotten how dangerous sailing the oceans is, whilst taking in the sun rise on my morning watch, I got a massive whack on my shoulder…a flying fish decided to seek revenge for my fishing exploits no doubt! Whilst the sea was quite smooth, David and I took the opportunity to fill the main fuel tank with fuel in our spare fuel containers.

The fishing lines went into the water soon after breakfast and by early afternoon we caught a very nice Mahi Mahi. For supper Nicole has made some coleslaw and potato salad, Jeremy is cooking the fish, what a treat. During the day we also ran the water maker and folks took the opportunity to have a shower whilst we had hot water. By the evening the wind had picked up a bit and we were managing a good 6 knots under sail.

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