Next Step - Sunday 1st December 2019
The night watch was very uneventful, the wind tended to be a bit light with the occasional gust. Today we are not allowed to fish as we have both fish and meat in the fridge that needs using up. It is a nice sunny day and the wind is picking up which is good. For lunch Jeremy cooked us some beef burgers and part baked bread with coleslaw which made a very acceptable Sunday lunch. In the afternoon we could see a pod of dolphins in the distance, they appeared to be feasting around a bait ball. The wind is coming from the North North East and gusting over 15 knots so our boat speed and estimated arrival time in St Lucia has much improved!
For supper Nicole made us a very nice meal with the remains of the fish we caught yesterday. We are eating far too well, I am sure I have put on weight since we started
As it gets dark the wind picks up a bit more, hopefully it will stay with us through the night.