Idefix - Update Day 8
And here we go in December. Full week into the crossing. Longest time at sea for the all crew!
while we didn't get any fish today - almost unusual ! - this was not an uneventful Sunday!
First, we ripped our spinnaker, again :-( ... very bad after more than 48 hours of a really nice ride. So repair activity during afternoon. We'll see how it holds later!
We change time, while kept only 1 hour difference instead of 2
We are past Cape Verde islands...
But most importantly, today was Catherine's birthday. Quite something to celebrate a birthday so far from land. As usual at Idefix, this is an opportunity to prepare food ... and we had good lunch and dinner (chocolate mousse dessert, yummy!)
toward the end of the day, the wind really picked up and we saw 21kts for a shirt time, which hasn't happened for a long time. Night was a bit choppy with the surge, but we kept the code0 all along. We can feel the trade winds are close. Water temp went above 24C and it is warmer every day.
No nights sky watching, maybe it was the wine or the 60degree waves shaking the boat, but everybody was looking for some early rest.
And this is how a week at sea went by, relatively fast.