Last night we got a couple of hours of wind above 10 knots, after that it was a night with flapping sails and bad sleep due to all noise generated by the sails. Now we are below 20 degrees north and where the trade winds begin to blow mainly from NE and it is now around 15 knots and we begin to see larger swell. I have started to finish up the first videos from our trip down to Canary Islands. Routinely I make sure we always have water and power, checking the rig, doing navigation and checking the weather to find the optimal route to Saint Lucia. We will pass ”half way” on Thursday or so and with the current speed we will be in Saint Lucia on the 12 of December. But that will not happen since the weather will change before that. Carina routinely makes sure we have food and she and Johan make lunch and dinner. Since I’m a coffeinist, I often make sure there is coffee in the morning and after lunch.
Today we had company by Kathryn del Fuego that fly their big red reacher together with the genoa and had done that the last three days, day and night!
During the night when the wind was light we saw them sail at least 1 knot faster than us and today when the wind increased we sailed with almost even speed.
Now its time to take down the bimini and make the boat ready for night sailing.
Cheers from Jonas, Carina and Johan.