Idefix - update day 10
After craving the trade winds for so long, here they come but a bit on the heavy side! The last 24h have been rough with the wind never going below 20kts.
Good news, we should arrive earlier... but the lunch and dinner preparation will be more challenging than before. After being spoiled of being stable on a catamaran, we realized we are also on a sailing boat within 2.5m of swell: dont let the water jar in the middle of the table, it's too much confidence, and eventually it has fallen!
Today we also saw an UFO (f for floating of course) - some weird black shaped object moving up and down the swell. Not the position of the mini transat wrecks, so not sure what it was. Maybe a submarine!!
But more important, we had our first VHF chat with other ARC boats for a long time. And Brizo finally passed us. So close that we had to give way (while on SB tack...) After days without seeing anybody, we were suddenly 5 boats wishing close range which felt really nice.
Looks the next few days aren't going to be much more comfortable. No more fishing, but we have enough!