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Montana - LOG 6

Day 16, last night everybody on the helm was surfing Montana. With fairly strong winds we realized a good speed over ground. What a fun surfing down a wave with S+S designed boat in a nearly full moon night.
In the morning we had to change the gas bottle before we could prepare the first coffee for the day.

Day 17, Last day was a little bit more calm. Steady winds not too strong gives easy living on the helm. With the chilly day there was time to have a chat. We talked a lot about what will be the first things in St. Lucia. Good shower, cold beer and a hang out at Marie’s Bar on Reduit Beach. Looks like tomorrow is the day. We will arrive in Rodney Bay. The wind picked up again giving us a fast speed. Looks like we will arrive in the dark, before daylight. The best, we still able to catch up Finoor S before crossing the finish line, giving us the lead in our devision. Arrival couldn’t be any better


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