Tough day for the skipper today.
First, just barely awake for the watch, wanted to help the crew who was reducing the Genoa, I switch off the navigation electronic instead of switching on the bridge light... Autopilot was off, and boat started to turn around, no electronic references, sails flapping. Quite fun! Lesson learn, no action before completely awake, and don't try to help the crew doing things right!
Then, by end of the day, bad infection as sore throat. WTH.
A parts from that, the day was average, good speed but swell still a bit difficult. We managed to keep the code0 for most of the day and only got the first bad squall (>30kts) after we furled, so it was all good.
With water temp at 29C, we all feel it is time to arrive and get a good swim as we didn't have one in the middle of the ocean.
Less than 200 miles to go, such a small bite compared to the entire passage. Went fast, actually. How could we only manage one movie night with popcorn?
Tomorrow we may see land. Have to ask Vincent when and what distance the peaks of the Pitons will show up....