Dawn broke over the 12 Apostles, we had a good run under just the staysail all night right up until 06:00 in the morning light. Wind was in the mid to high twenties and we were making 6-7 knots. Then, just as the sun appeared, the fog rolled in. One minute you could see, the next minute it was thick pea-soup fog! Thankfully we’ve spent enough time sailing in Puget Sound and the U.K., so fog is just a bother to us. We furled the staysail, turned on the engine, and fired up the automatic fog horn proceeding slowly at four knots, we arrived at the entrance to the harbour at 07:00...the fog lifted like magic, we turned off the fog horn, tied up to the fuel dock, found out they only took CASH payment. Oy vey! THAT is a very pertinent piece of information that the WARC organisers SHOULD have passed on to us. So annoying!! We thanked the fuel dock guys for informing us in advance and motored into our slip. What a lovely place! It’s clean, pleasing to the eye, and everyone is on the ball. No lackadaisical slip shod business here! Within two hours, the marina had installed another cleat for our heavy girl, the north sail guy had visited and assess our sail repair needs, the laundry folk had picked up our linens and we already had a bottle of Cape wine courtesy of the marina! We spent the morning cleaning inside and out, then wandered around town, stopping for a snack, live music and to admire fine artisan wares. We bought pies and salad stuff at the supermarket, and had a quiet, early evening onboard. It’s so Wonderful to be here, to have the knarly passage behind us, to be able to rest, relax and have some fun.