Grenada is in sight! The wind died earlier this afternoon and we have been motoring ever since. I think it’s fair to say that this time, there really is no wind. I even captured it on camera.
We had lovely overcast weather all day which led to some strange lighting as the sun went down.
After their cleaning jobs, Cobin and the girls made lists of things they want in their rooms at home. Tully insisted she only wanted a box, “to hide in when Mama wants me to go to school.” Cobin talked both girls into adding numerous electronic upgrades to their lists, including egg projectors, Alexa for kids, and some kind of devices to plug into lamps so you can program them. He even got Tully to agree to a box with a smart lock on it so she can lock herself in with her Ipad. It’s fun to dream.
We finally finished watching Papillon and saw actual footage of the three islands, just as they looked when we approached them. The girls didn’t make it until the end but Cobin and I recognized some of the buildings from the “real” footage at the end of the movie which was fun to see. It was also interesting to note all of the scenes on the island that looked nothing like French Guiana. I read that it was filmed in Spain and Portugal which makes sense. There certainly was no limestone on the islands we visited, nor did they have the giant cliff for the last escape scene. It was still fun to watch, knowing that we had been there.
At some point today, we realized that we would not be zipping into Grenada so we decided to relax and slowly make our way there by 7 am when the marina opens for the day.
I’m off to read a bit before I wake Joe for his watch. We will both look forward to sleeping through the night once we’re at the dock in Grenada.
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