Next Step - 16th March 2020
During the night a light appeared on the horizon which we assumed was another yacht. By the morning we could see the sails and according to our radar she was about four miles ahead. Once the WorldARC Position Report came out in the morning we were able to establish that it was Starling. The wind is a bit lighter but the sun is shining and the sea looks lovely so all is good. We will try to fish again, but things are not looking too good for us, it may be time to change the colour of the lure. The afternoon was spent relaxing and reading as usual. With no fish on the menu, Jeremy made a very nice omelette with mushrooms, peppers and chorizo for our supper. I am sure that I am putting on weight during this trip..! As we go into the evening the wind is going down and the boat is being rocked around in the sea.