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Veni Vidi Vixi - ninth blog - Coen’s ideas about crossing the Atlantic Ocean
Veni Vidi Vixi - ninth blog - Coen’s ideas about crossing the Atlantic Ocean
At the start of the race, I felt so excited because it was our first time to go in a race ever. I went to get the horn. Everybody said hello. I blew my horn as loud as a blue whale. It was extraordinary! We all went to the starting line and a man on the radio counted down for us.
Afterwards, you couldn’t see everybody for more than one day.
We caught a little mahi-mahi. We caught another fish - she was a beauty! We’ve only caught two fish so far. We keep losing others probably because the seaweed keeps covering the fishing rod.
Saint Nicolas gave us candy in boots. The adults got a box of cookies.
Being in the ARC race is an amazing feeling because of the great adventure.