CoKeMa - Monday 8th November - Day 2
Everyone had their first night watch last night. Crazy how within just a few hours all the boats that started this journey together dispersed, and we were left with three boats on our radar.
Navillus 3 made a night time appearance while Ita was on watch. Tony took the graveyard shift, and Fred (ever the early riser) took over before the crack of dawn. For the first few nights Orla will be accompanying somebody on watch until all the ropes (literally!) and watch outs have been learned.
The sea was pretty rough overnight and for most of the day Monday, calming a bit towards the evening.
As it calmed, Ita and Orla did some arts and crafts. Each visitor to the boat gets a Polaroid taken of them and they get added to the window sill in cabin. Each Polaroid gets decorated - so pompoms, glitter and loads of arts and crafts overtook the dining table.
We ate slow cooked pork and roast veg for dinner, followed by a movie night in the cabin - The Truman Show. We hacked into the stash of Cadbury's chocolate - you'd swear we were at sea weeks already.
It was a great day on the boat. The waves calming make a big difference to the level of comfort - both when sleeping and during the day!
Hope everyone is keeping well!
We will drop another message soon,
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