After arriving one day too early for our PCR tests (yesterday) we turned up on time on the correct day. The swabs were out and serious rodding of the nostrils made our eyes water. The men in white coats haven’t come for us yet so we are expecting to be negative.
The rest of the day was filled with supermarket deliveries and chasing down the long list of last minute jobs. I was sent to the laundromat and arrived back to see Misty pulling away to the diesel shop. It seems not everyone under a British flag understands the queuing system so it was quite a while before they came back. 200 litres topped up the 700 litre tank. Enough for around 900 nautical miles, about a third of the distance we have to travel.
Then there was the pontoon party in the evening, where we met our lovely neighbours. We had a very nice chat with Anders from another Malo boat and our other neighbours from all over Europe
The inside of our boat is filling up quickly. This is before Veg arrives.
Here I am under my hat.