We have an onboard competition to see the most wildlife and any sightings must be corroborated by another or by photographic evidence. Yes, we are that competitive and always guard against cheating.
Tuesday morning saw Caroline in the lead with two seabirds. As soon as Letitia was the only person up top a pod of dolphins came swimming around the boat. Dilemma, watch the enchanting encounter or dash to find a camera. Camera duly found and evidence obtained. Bobby joined Letitia on deck and he also saw the dolphins.
Then a splash was sighted, then another, way off in the distance and on closer inspection it was the blow of a whale. A really, really big whale who blew once more then arched her back and gracefully brought her fluke tail out of the water as she dived. Late afternoon saw a sighting of fins attached to either very large dolphins or some pilot whales, we couldn’t tell. This was witnessed by Letitia, Lewis and Caroline. Letitia now clearly leading the competition, I think the others should concede but the competitive gene runs deep so we may be playing this for a while.
Before lunch we took the opportunity presented by the calm conditions to swim off the back of the boat. Thankfully no animal encounters when we did this but a great experience to be swimming in the middle of the ocean.
Our attempts at fishing have brought nothing but disappointment but there is always tomorrow.
Dinner consisted of spicy chicken fajitas with ice cream to follow. It’s a hard life.