Morgane of Sark - almost half-way!
Just a few more miles to go and than we are halfway! Another 1111 miles to go.
Merel was baking us pancakes to celebrate, but she got a little nauseous doing so. The boat was moving quit a lot and it was hot inside the cabin. So, Elvira took over and we had pancakes anyway. Tasted great!
Again, no fish caught. Again only seaweed. Boats around us do catch fish though. We are not fishing at the right time. Apparently, we trow our hook out too late in the morning. Mila and Merel are on watch in the early morning and they don’t like to fish. Tomorrow, another try.
This morning we had a 40 ft “race boat” called Kinetic passing us with 13 knots. They were in a race to Martinique. Later in the day they surprised us by passing by again…heading south this time. They had some problems with their Spinaker, they told us on the VHF.
We did another bread baking attempt. This time only half of the bread was baked, the other half was still with wheat on it….But that good half was actually pretty good. We keep trying!
The air is a bit more unstable and there might be some squals. Therefore, we took our cutter jib down for the night. Still butterflying, and without the cutter jib, we can easily role our Genua in when needed.
We are heading a bit too far to the south at the moment, with the auto pilot steering at the wind angle. We are doubting if we should put the jib also on the port side… But, than we might go too far North again.
Current position N 11* 52.79 W 42* 48.81
COG 250 degrees, SOG 5,8 knots
All is well!
Xxx Crew Morgane of Sark