After 80 hours of irregular waves (2.5-3m) and gusty wind (20-30kn) and total lack of sleep for all of us, yesterday morning was quite scary to see the zombie faces of my crew mates around.
During the night we had one medium size squall passing over our heads (the crew on night watch was cool and brave, reefed the yankee in advance and no major damage apparently occurred).
To give you a little idea about what my ears heard during the night shifts:
“I feel seasick”
“I feel homesick”
“I didn’t ask for rough trade winds. Give me my money back!”
“I want my mama” (hahahaha, that was really desperate)
“Stop the train, I wanna get off”
“Let’s head to Brazil and end this pain”
… and many more.
Nevertheless we had been able to sail our Tilda with care and enjoyed the rodeo on the waves.
Last night we managed to sleep few hours and this rested our body and mind.
Today the conditions are better and we are sailing with full yankee, trinca and mizzen PLUS fishing activities restarted successfully: a beautiful dorado will be our dinner tonight.
Hurray, los Tildamigos are back and in a happy mood.
Rock ‘n roll!