Skyelark 2 - Thursday, December 2
Thursday, December 2
Things you won’t find here: stock reports, celebrity gossip, sound bytes,
turn signals, telephone poles, credit cards, appointments, Covid, weekdays,
lawns, shopping carts, car exhaust, light pollution, political folderol,
walls, `entertainment,` high expectations, 40 different kinds of milk,
yo-yos, umbrellas, lost dogs, weekends, escalators, a sock drawer,
neighborhoods, public libraries, the right screwdriver, a pinch of sage, a
settled stomach, bathtubs, motionless beds, Ethiopian restaurants, ice cream
cones, sycamore trees and tree bark more generally, giraffes, walks in the
park, the bright red of a cardinal, the sounds a freight train makes, my two
boys, Luke and Leander, Carolyn, my wife. –Blog by O.
On the other hand, things you will find here: clothes pegs, fine fellowship,
the rifle shot of a head sail filling, the sound of a generator, water
bottles, the clatter of spoons and melamine bowls in a stainless sink, lat
lon reports, tubes of sun cream (hgh SPF), Kindles, team polo shirts, squall
lines, bare feet, fishing lures, tranquility, porridge, flying fish on deck,
rolling seas, star-filled nights, , clean air, the sigh of water displaced
along a hull, a shout of “Fish!”, lee cloths, taut lines, spaniel ears,
mirrored glasses, mystery, my son, O. –Blog by E.