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Escapado - Day 6

No Atlantic Crossing would be the same without mentioning the sighting dolphins. For our part this eagerly awaited by all crew members, and when it happened the inside of the boat emptied.


The creatures were a lot smaller than I expected but shinier and a very distinctive grey. The crew were noisy and I swear the dolphins picked up this “vibration” as the first one I saw came clear out of the water and did a somersault !!


I understand that they have the intelligence level comparable to that of a dog, and so for them to meet another animal, they too would be excited and hence this display. I know many pictures were taken, and a lot would have been just splashes, but in any event, a bucket list “tick” !!


We also had a great day flying the Spinnaker.  Tuition was detailed and thorough, and the term “flying the kite “ is exactly what you do, fly the kite. We all know about Kite Surfer and Kite Ski-er, and so we became for the day Kite Beneteau, but in excess of 10 tonnes in weight !!



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