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Betelgeuse - BETELGEUSE Sunday 28/11/22 DAY 7

Another beautiful day mid Atlantic and hooray we reached the halfway point at around 1500 miles. A bit late for the planned fancy-dress party and high jinks but hey we’ll do it tomorrow instead. Spirits high, no crew flagging and no keelhauls yet. Sea deep azure blue. It’s strange how it looks thicker and oily at dawn.

The fruit and veg is still remarkably good both in the crates and suspended in the hanging jockstraps above the port cabin birth. If you are woken and sit up too quickly, you are liable to get clocked by a swinging orange.

Motion has changed and is rather more lumpy and unpredictable, though I think the oceanographer amongst us has an explanation. Lost on me I’m afraid.

News came of a demasting which was rather salutary. The boat has picked up extra fuel, who knows where from, and is motoring the rest of the way. Apparently 2 crew members were taken on board an American naval ship. Jonnie reminded us that if we take care of the boat and each other, the boat will take care of us. Jonnie has a brilliant ability to enable joy and fun whilst maintaining a safe, disciplined, tidy boat and crew. I feel in safe hands, as I know we all do, so you lovely people at home can be reassured we couldn’t have a better skipper or boat.

Last night Jonnie and I were on watch and heard this thud in the cockpit. Something had fallen on the floor, I leant down to pick it up. Ahh, another shriek I’m afraid, a slimy fish. Why does it always happen to me? A 9 inch skinny flying fish. It must have leapt in narrowly missing my left ear. Would there be enough for a fry up breakfast? But no, it was feigning death and raised a fin to protest. We scooped him up with the dustpan and hurled him back to join his brothers. Would he find them? I hope so.

Anyway my lovelies, all’s well and happy. Miss you all.

Much love Charlotte xxx

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