Today's 24-hour distance travelled at 1pm was an unremarkable 139nm, our second lowest for the trip! But what made today feel like a bonus is that shortly after that 1pm reading we finally got just enough wind for Chloe to play, and with the wind direction being about perfect to maximize our boat speed in a direct line to St. Lucia, Chloe played all day!
The wind was a light 6-8 knots most of the day, but we were still able to achieve 6-7knots SOG.
Normally we wouldn't fly Chloe at night, but we just didn't have the heart to take her back inside, so we let her play as we enjoyed the sunset on the bow.... And then we let her play some more 🤣. Finally she got to rest for the night at around 11pm UTC, and we're back on our main and jib for the night watches.
Fingers crossed for a better 24-hour number tomorrow 🤞
We also passed the '500nm to go' mark today, and have now started to think about our time
arrival instead of just the day 😛 (we want to arrive in daylight). At time of writing, we have only 420nm to go...