I am pleased to report a quiet night! Chris was SSB radio controller last night - he made contact with 11 boats … everyone is still fairly close together and all reported a good first day.
Jane had prepared a delicious cottage pie eaten with a glorious sun set as the backdrop. Our watch system started with Tim & Jane at 7pm. We are doing 3 x 3 hour watch rotation. So far so good except that Jane is still feeling poorly and no amount of beechams powders, paracetamol and strepsils are working. Bed rest is the order of the day.
The morning boat inspection revealed just one flying fish - sails, lines, bolts and split pins all appear to be in working order - thank goodness! A couple of small rain showers in the night with mostly 13 to 18 knots of wind and a 2m swelll - fabulous sailing and the good news is that we continue to follow the rhumb line sailing down wind heading directly to Santa Marta. A change of sail plan this afternoon to a broad reach as the wind backed. Blue Sunshine, Renegade and Saphir af Stockholm continue to sail a similar track to us and are less than 5 miles away. Trying hard to ensure the vibe is a cruising one, not a racing one - hard with two ex-fast-jet pilots on board!
Karen & Chris