Blonde Moment - 12th May
12th May 2023
Conditions continue to change frequently as we make our approach to Bermuda. During calm seas we encountered a small pod of dolphins, who played off our bow for about 10 minutes as we were completing a sail change at sunset. We still have not caught any fish, but we have collected a handful of flying fish off the deck, after their failed attempts to fly over our boat. On Thursday we were besting to windward and were being pushed further east by currents with a north wind. A very well time tach put us on a direct course to Bermuda, but we faced swells which were close together (short) and a significant heel. This made for some entertaining shifts at the helm as we crashed through the waves, water covering the deck and hitting our wind shield. However, this made for a rather challenging time for crew below deck as the boat was resembling a bouncy castle! The best watch is what we have called the sunrise shift from 03:00 am to 06:00 am. Being the only crew member awake, it is an amazing site to see the sky start to lighten at 04:30 and the full sunrise after about an hour. The temperature dropped significantly last night and instead of being concerned about hydration, sunscreen and heat exhaustion, the crew went looking for long underwear and sweaters. We hope to Arrive shortly after noon today in Bermuda. This has been a great leg!