Northern Light II - Friday 24th November
We’re almost half way to Grenada. We turned all the clocks back yesterday by one hour and we’ll do this once more before our arrival. We continue to try and make up the time that we lost in turning back to help the yacht in trouble but progress is slow. The winds are light and the Patricia has remained hoisted for the last 36 hours.
Life on board has settled into a routine. Checking the fruit and vegetables in their nets for those that are rotten or requiring eating, turning the eggs to keep them fresh, checking the lines and halyards for damage and wear and cooking and cleaning all take place around the watch schedule.
In recent days we’ve found time for reading, yoga, meditation and playing games. In Cape Verde it was suggested by one of the IOW boats that we could form a book club. A sailor, a chicken and an incredible voyage follows the true story of a young French boy who crossed the Atlantic with a hen for company. Some of us are reading it whilst others are listening to it on Audible. Michael falls asleep the moment it starts playing. G has brought some conversation cards (So.., a collection of questions for deeper discussion) with her that are proving a hit after dinner. One of last night's questions included would you prefer to go to prison for a murder you hadn’t committed or kill someone and not get caught. The answers were illuminating. Cat is now teaching Tom to make focaccia bread!
Still no luck with the fishing - all we seem to catch is weed!
Until tomorrow