This morning we were very pleased that the steady winds form last night were still present and that we are managing a course in the right direction, more or less anyway! Having had yesterday as a quiet day with no spinnaker flying and a lot of flappy sails its nice to be moving again. With the seas now similar to the first leg we are also managing similar speeds with just the main and Yankee up. Having fitted chafe protectors onto the Yankee sheets we though everything would be a lot easier and wed just have to check for chafe but we seem to have unintentionally given ourselves an extra challenge of keeping the pole on the proctor. Having a bread maker on board is coming in really handy and this morning I put another loaf on so we will have fresh warm bread for lunch, delicious! During the night watches I have started writing in more detail what we have been doing and the trails and tribulations so far, this seems to be doing a wonderful job of keeping me awake too, so that’s an added bonus!