Valent had a great 24hrs sailing with just the Bora up. We recorded our best daily mileage so far on this leg. Other notable activity today included catching a couple of tuna, though in our excitement we managed to lose one just as we were hauling the monster (not exactly) on board. Still we have 1 lovely tuna filleted and skinned in the fridge. Tuna wraps for lunch tomorrow.
Today we got the sextant out and did a sun sight. Good to get rid of the cobwebs and after a bit of checking and revision I ended up with a sensible result. Will do a full day tomorrow and see what it looks like.
Also our egret guest returned. Despite calling it an egret we weren’t convinced, but following research and ‘call a friend’ it is confirmed as a Great Egret, possibly juvenile. But the real news was we’ve now got 2! Maybe a breeding program could start! It was very sweet, our passenger spotted the other bird looking lost and struggling, left the boat, quick meet/greet and possibly mating ritual before leading and showing the new friend how to land on the boat. They stayed with us for a few hours and then left together to start a new life somewhere better than a yacht in the ocean. All that was left for me was to clean up the guano, and throw away the food they rejected (Sardine paste I add). Some guests are just so ungrateful.