Valent - Gentastic
After a steady night of progress interrupted by the low battery alarm, work resumed on fixing the generator. Today in the absence of other ideas I decided to check the impeller. The impeller came out and looked exactly as I would expect a recently installed brand new one to look like. So not a faulty impeller. The impeller was lubricated and refitted. I then checked all the relay units, refitting the solenoid and starter units and changed the fuel pump relay as it looked less than perfect. After redoing the air in take hose and having verified that oil and coolant levels were as expected we restarted the generator. 1 1/2 hours in and it is still running smoothly, not hunting and delivering 1.5kw plus to the batteries. Fingers crossed the problem was just a faulty relay unit.
On a roll we paired up the new transmitter for the bow thruster/windlass, and with power not an issue we are now making lots of water. Having spent a large portion of the night running the engine in neutral to charge the batteries we now have the side benefit of lots of hot water. This afternoon is therefore laundry day.
Unfortunately we have lost our forward navigation lights. A lazy sheet from the Bora appears to have wrapped itself around the nav light and caused the all important cover to ping off. If needed the battery navigation lights are ready, but we will just have to speed up and arrive in daylight.
Celebration meal tonight - steak night.
Best Regards