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Hot Stuff - 15'05.8540N 32'44.0900W

Day 10

Once upon a time in a Galaxy far far away, Hot stuff attempts to complete the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs (Thats 16 days I reckon).......go on, play the Theme tune in your head!

The intrepid crew led by Master Yoda (Steve) are rattling toward the finish line whilst trying to catch any Imperial Cruisers ahead of us (must have cheated). We have Chewbacca on the helm (Jack - have you seen how hairy he is!!!), and two droids on board. C3PO (Nick) has tried to explain the intricacies of flying a Spinnaker, and despite being fluid in millions of languages, I still don't get it (my bad). We also have his side kick R2D2 (Chris), who continues to keep our ship running.

We had an engine overheat, turned round to here Beep Beep, Boop Boop (that's 'Smashed it' in robotics)

We had the water maker making noises......Beep Beep, Boop Boop

And when I wrap the spinnaker around the forestay....yep he's beeping again! He's only little, but very handy.

So I guess that only leave's Han Solo......Ill take that:-)

We are making up for a little lost time from light winds at the start and are regularly hitting 9 knots. We have all settled into our shift patterns (4hrs on, 6 off) which has helped structure our day. Apart from a near mutiny over de-cafe coffee, all is good. As expected, the conversations have turned to 'what are you going to eat first when we
get there' and 'how much will a 5* hotel cost'.

Anyway, back to the story. We have a pesky tie fighter on our rear (odd that is displaying nav lights, but hey ho). I'm off to man the blasters...were not going down without a fight!

May the Force be with you

Hot Stuff


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