Tahira - TAHIRA ARC BLOG D-Day 9 [28-Nov-23]
D-Day 9 [28-Nov-23]
Location: Mid-Atlantic
Lat: 15.59N Long: 30.51W
Meet the crew: Peter 'the Admiral' Lindsay
How would you describe yourself in one sentence?
- Peter is an outgoing opportunist.
What is your first favourite piece of music and why?
- 'Summer of 69' by Brian Adams. Peter played this track on Friday evenings on his way home from a successful week selling photocopiers in the 80's when he had his first proper job and a cassette player with 4 speakers - he believed he had made it!
What is your greatest achievement in live to-date?
- For Peter his greatest achievement is his daughter Isabella, however when pressed then it has to be the business he created and built over the last 13 years or, the leading Charity Team Building company in the UK which donates nearly £400k to charity each year.
What sailing experience have you had?
- Peter sailed the Atlantic in 2022 as crew and has a cycling proficiency certificate. He is also a co-owner of Tahira and has been on the ARC-23 journey from the start. He knows about every aspect of the boat - the good, the bad and the creaky.
What is your second favourite piece of music and why? 's
- 'Insomnia' by Faithless. Peter thinks this is an absolutely brilliant tune, capturing the 90's scene. Probably one of the most recognised song from the era, he has fond memories of that time and also in current times with new friends in Brighton.
What motivated you do this trip?
- Peter has already completed an Atlantic crossing and so the experience will not be new for him, the previous motivator was the need to fulfil an ambition that has been there since the age of 13. This time he is a co-owner of the boat and a key decision maker. This trip was motivated by a chance conversation at a sailability session in 2020 with John - get a boat, prep it and cross the Atlantic together.
What major concerns do you have?
- His major concern is always around people - will everyone get on. He has always been confident in the boat and Chris and John as his co-owners.
What is your third favourite piece of music and why?
- 'California Dreaming' by Mammas and Pappas. If you see how my partner Diane's face lights up when this song is played you will know why
What have you learned since starting this adventure?
- I've learned not to book your plane ticket for the 13-Dec as the crossing time can vary! And John is unable to sit still for more than 10 minutes!
What does success look like for you?
- Success looks like a cold bottle of Piton, with all the crew safely in the bar at Rodney Bay marina , St Lucia.
What are you running away from?
- No, I'm not running away from anything.
What will you do next?
- Less work, more play!
Blog author: Andy Bruce