Asante - Day 13 of the never ending poem
Day 13 has me seeing, just how very tired I am. Cos the limerick I did last night just seemed to fail to scan. I had forgotten totally, that the story I submit, must be produced in story form, not a poem, what a twit. But that was not the only blip, that showed how tired I am. I had set my watch for midnight. Or that had been the plan. But Nick he came a knocking. Ten minutes late he’d say. Cos I had muddled the clocks midnight with the middle of the day. It’s lunchtime now and I must put, my QM hat back on. To check the sneaky crew, have not taken food while I was gone. I’m hoarding every scrap, of red meat that I can hide. Cos don’t forget one crewman, says veggie meals he can’t abide. I’ve counted once, I’ve counted twice. Of the meals I have to go. And I think we’re fine. Providing we don’t go too slow. I’ve got a bolognese and beef dish. Plus Pork and a chicken too. And chorizo pea risotto. That should almost get us through. But if we don’t quite manage it. Then there is only one thing to be had. A vegetable lasagna. Which if I’m honest ain’t half bad. And if I look at YB Races. At all those yachts that are behind. I wonder how they’re catering. And of meals that they must find.